Sunday, June 29, 2014

5 things I can not stand people giving my child....

This is my personal list. You can agree, or agree to disagree. Each person is entitled to their own opinion. This is just mine.

There are 5 things I really hate when people give to my daughter. Weather it be as a random gift or birthday present. When I see some of these things I cringe and think of ways to get rid of it when she is not looking. I know, horrible mom right? Eh, if that is what I am, then that is what I am. But here is my list:

1.) Play dough. Yes I loved this when I was little. I loved making a mess. But that is exactly what it does. It makes a mess. The colors mix. My daughter gets upset because she can't find her favorite color. It dries out. I just cringe when people give my daughter this. When it gets into the couch it is hard to get out. I am still finding dried pieces of play dough 2 years later from my daughter's first birthday. I would never give this to any friends of mine with kids. It is just wrong.

2.) Stickers. Stickers are great for rewards. They are great once in a while. But my sister and one of my aunts gave my daughter sticker books. I loath those things. They get everywhere. I am constantly reminding my daughter to not stick them to the walls, the couch, the tables, her clothes. I have washed her clothes with stickers still stuck to them accidentally a few times. Oops. That was my fault. But then she wants to un-stick them and try to re-stick them to other things. Then she gets really upset when they do not stick to anything anymore.

3.) Candy or suckers without asking. I understand that people are being nice at the bank, or store, or friends and family. When people give my daughter candy without asking, or asking really loud, "Can she have this?" That drives me up the wall. Of course I am going to now say yes she can have it because you just turned her little 3 year old attention to the shiny candy/sucker in your hand. If you are going to offer something sweet to my daughter, ask discreetly. Under your breath. Not loudly announce it. Maybe she has just eaten. Maybe she is about to eat. Maybe she is in trouble for something. Maybe sugar makes her go nuts and I do not want her to have it. Whatever it is, please, please, please be discreet when offering.

4.) Puzzles. Great for brain development. Great for problem solving. Horrible for finding all the pieces again and trying to keep them in the box. Not losing them. If I lose one piece then it is the end of the world, and she will never play with it again. Where did that one puzzle piece go? Who knows. I can look everywhere for it. Move furniture. Take apart a room, and that one piece is gone forever, never to be found again. Maybe the dog ate it.

5.) Stuffed animals. What child needs another stuffed animal? Even before my daughter's second birthday I had given away 3 full trash bags of stuffed animals. AND SHE STILL HAS A LOT MORE WHERE THAT CAME FROM. What is up with people giving stuffed animals as a gift? She doesn't even play with them. They sit on a shelf from day one and she never looks at them again. But if she knows I am coming in her room to take them away, of course she is going to get upset. So again like the other 4 I have to do this discreetly. She does not even realize they are missing.

When wanting to give something nice to a friend's child, ask the parent first. Or ask what they need. It is better then giving a child something that the parent is going to throw out. Or hate that you gave it to them. It isn't about being ungrateful, or unappreciative. It is just what is best for the child and best to not drive the parents up the wall.

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