Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Musings of a 3 year old

Kids say the darnest things. Currently I have a 3 year old, and I am 6 weeks away from having another girl. My 3 year old says the silliest things:

Mommy, you are getting big. Are you going to get bigger? 
~Maybe kiddo. That is what happens when mommy has a baby in her.
Are you going to explode? 
~No kiddo I will not explode.
Maybe you shouldn't get any bigger. Your butt is HUGE!

I had to snort at that. I have learned with a child you have to take things in stride. Here is an email I recently sent to my parents about my daughter. 

Ah the fun joys of a 3 year old. :) Aspen has started this new thing which makes me laugh...pretty hard. 

If she does not get her way, she will make a face at me, stomp her foot, and say, "FINE, I am going to my bedroom. You make me sad." Then dramatically RUNS to her room and lays on her bed for a moment.

Um ok kiddo. Whatever floats your boat. It makes me laugh because she puts herself in timeout for throwing a temper tantrum, and she gets over it pretty quickly. She usually rides her tricycle back out like a dare devil after she is done with her tantrum and is happy as can be trying to run over Luna, or whomever else is in the way.

Sometimes afterwards she will come up to me and we will have this conversation: 

"Mommy, do you know why you made me sad?" 
"No kiddo tell me why I made you sad."
"Because you would not let me do....x,y,z..."
To which I usually respond, "Well kiddo, you make me sad when you act out like that. When I tell you not to do something and you do it anyway, mommy raises her voice a little because you are not listening. That makes me sad."
And Aspen being the little whip that she is usually says, "Sorry mommy, but Luna told me it was ok." 
I am trying to control my giggling at this point. "Well kiddo, Luna is not in charge I am. You need to listen to me ok?"
"Ok mommy." Then walks up to Luna: "You got me in trouble." Walks over to her tricycle glaring at Luna and takes off like the wind. Again running over anyone in her way.
To which I am left standing there laughing.

(Luna is our dog)

This child gives me such joy. 

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