Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Something controversial...

These are MY views. You are allowed to disagree. You are allowed to disagree. You are allowed to have your own opinion. Just like I am allowed to have MY own opinion. This is something I posted on my personal facebook page. I did edit it some, but this is just how I feel.

"To all my bible bashers AND bible thumpers alike: I am a Christian! *Shocker!* No I will not spoon feed you my beliefs. I will not ask you, "have you heard the good news?" I will not sit here and talk about God in everything I do. So tell me why is it that YOU shove me in this uncomfortable box of, "Well ALL Christians are like...." NO WE ARE NOT! "But omg if you are a Christian aren't you suppose to hate gays." WHAT??? Really??? No! "But that is what it says in the bible!" Oh yeah? It also says, "Love they neighbor as thy self." "Thy shall not judge less thee be judged." And where, along the lines of judging people so harshly did we forget the one amazing thing Jesus taught: LOVE. I have gay friends, friends who are atheist, friends who are Hindu, Muslim, friends who are Wiccan, friends who are Jewish. friends who are transgender. We are all made EQUALLY and BEAUTIFULLY!!!! Why should I look down on my nose at you for what you believe in and judge you? Are you happy? Great! Are you hurting anyone? No, awesome! "But omg IT IS A SINNNNNN!" So is divorce. You wanna throw the first stone at me for being divorced asshole? I will throw one right back at you. Eating fish is a sin, so is eating pork, so is entering a church while on your period, so are a lot of things. Why follow one thing and not the others? Why make that SUCH A BIG DEAL!?!?!?Stop being so hypocritical!!!! If you just had a hotdog and then turn around to protest a pridefest, or a gay marriage well jerkface, you have no idea the actual teachings of the Lord. So how about next time you open your mouth to me about being a Christian having the friends I do, be careful what you say because I will put you in your place real quick! And to those who are posting things about how much you hate Christians and our beliefs, please realize that we are not all the same. Do not judge all for what few do. *End of rant*"

I feel like people hide behind their bible saying this, that, and the other is wrong, without backing it up. There are a lot of things in the bible. But most of all it teaches how to love one another. Not to be judgmental. I am willing to admit, I am a sinner. I was born in sin. The Lord loves me for who I am and who he is molding me to be. He is this amazing father who is forgiving and loving.

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